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Wiesbaden II

Amazing. I just checked Cupertino and half the houses on Tuggle are torn down and rebuilt. The neighborhood is unrecognizable. Meanwhile back in Wiesbaden, it looks practically the same as 1967 when we left:

1. My first day of Kindergarten in the basement school room.
2. The playground across the street where I received the scar on my head when I accidentally stood to close too the teeter-toter.
3. Our apartment on the first floor.
4.  The bushes in the back lawn where we peed on a mushroom and ran away (boys!: For reference see movies Sand Lot, and Stand By Me etc...)
5. The back lawn where the Fire Fighters played football, and where the kids from different stairwells or different buildings had an epic snowball fight, including fortifications!
6. The hill next to the street where we went sledding.
7. The fire station where we bought sodas from an old fashioned Coke machine.
8. The Dahghren's house.
9. The PX Commissary where I got lost when I walked around a rack of pants and my Mom had moved around the corner. I cried and had to have her paged.
10. The church?

I also recall the candy man who came by every week or two and sold all kinds of candy from his station wagon. The kind of Gummies you find now in Cost Plus. And the Christmas when Mom painted a mural of the nativity on the living room window. The neighbors loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Your memories... and stories I'm hearing for the first time! Seriously, peeing on the mushroom- hysterical!
